West by North West (WxNW) is one of four regional tourism organisations (RTOs) across Tasmania, each funded by the Tasmanian government to work with our tourism industry at a local and regional level; and with government at all levels. Our work forms part of the state's 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy in Tasmania.
The T21 is the partnership between Tasmanian Tourism Industry and the Tasmanian Government. It sets the direction for the visitor economy through the 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy for Tasmania . T21 officially comprises the TICT and THA on behalf of industry; and several govt. agencies and departments who report to the Premier’s Visitor Economy Advisory Council (PVEAC). The 4 regional tourism organisation (RTO’s) contribute in delivering the 2030 strategy.
Provide a voice for region’s tourism industry, publicly representing their interests and common goals within government and community.
Industry Support
Facilitate a cohesive and engaged tourism industry, through communication, support, forums + education.
Marketing Support
Drive demand through marketing + content partnership with Tourism Tasmania; and via our websites, social media and traditional media channels.
Product Development
Support and enable the development of new products and the further innovation of existing products.

WxNW Vision
"Stronger communities across our region through a prosperous and sustainable tourism industry."
Local Councils
Local Tourism Bodies
Marketing Groups / Events

Our region spans Tasmania's West Coast, North West and King Island, comprising nine local councils:
West Coast Council
Circular Head Council
King Island Council
Waratah-Wynyard Council
Burnie City Council
Central Coast Council
Devonport City Council
Latrobe Council
Kentish Council

We regularly host and/or facilitate forums, training, networking and other events for our region's tourism industry. Click below for details and registration.
Great Community Experience | PENGUIN
Join THA, WxNW and the Central Coast Council for a special Great Community Experience workshop tailored for local businesses in anticipation of the 150 Years Celebrations happening throughout 2025.
Date: Monday, 17th March
Time: 5:00-6:30pm
Location: Penguin Senior Citizens' Club
Cost: FREE
THA | Women in Leadership
Confidence in Public Speaking Workshop
Join PR-pro Barb McGregor for an insightful, interactive and engaging public speaking workshop, which will help you uncover your unique strengths, the power of storytelling, the importance of body language, voice, visualisation and mindset, and how to leverage these advantages to captivate any audience!
Date: Wednesday, 26 March
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Location: Beach Hotel Burnie
Cost: FREE
SAVE THE DATE - WxNW Regional Tourism Forum 2025
Our annual Forum is happening Tuesday, May 20!
We’d love your input! Tell us what you want to hear about at the forum by filling out our quick industry sentiment survey.​
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get the latest updates as they’re released!
Brand Tasmania | Story Foundations:
The Art of Brand Storytelling
Brand Tasmania invites you to learn how to leverage the Tasmanian brand to enhance your market position and connect deeply with your target audience in this workshop.
Date: Tuesday, 27 May
Time: 5-7pm
Location: paranaple convention centre - Quioba Room
Cost: $25pp
Brand Tasmania | Story Foundations:
Using your Brand Story for Sales Success
Building on the foundation of our The Art of Brand Storytelling workshop, this advanced session takes you deeper into the practical application of storytelling for sales success.
Date: Wednesday, 18 June
Time: 4-7pm
Location: paranaple convention centre - Quioba Room
Cost: $35pp
Latest Newsletters
Never miss out on what is happening in the industry when you subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Gabriella Conti
Chief Executive Officer
Gabriella Conti, CEO of West by North West the regional Tourism organisation, has extensive experience in project management and executive roles, last few roles including Laureate University and the Federal Group. With a strong passion and love for the region, she is excited about the growth of the region, having a strong focus on making sure we plan to manage growth sustainably.
0499 020 466
Sarah Norton
Marketing & Industry Support Manager
Born on the north west coast, Sarah has vast tourism experience across the public and private sectors, with a degree in tourism marketing and entrepreneurship and a decade of rich experience working for iconic products and destinations in New Zealand.
0499 980 482
Meg Hely
Industry Support Coordinator
Meg joins us with a nearly decade of invaluable experience in hospitality and tourism. With an unwavering enthusiasm and passion for the field, she brings an infectious positivity to our team at WxNW.
0406 210 919
Click below to discover some useful tourism industry resources.
West by North West
Regional Tourism Strategy 22-25 | Just a few pages (nothing too onerous) illustrating our vision, framework, strategic pillars and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Facebook Group | Online industry forum for sharing updates, answering questions and conducting open discussion.
Image Library, regional | Collection of over 1000 high quality images from our region, for use by tourism operators on digital platforms (Please read the Terms of Use document in the library. For all content except King Island, please tag @wildbonde when posting).
Newsletter | Subscribe to our database to stay up to date with regional industry news.
ATDW (Aust. Tourism Data Warehouse) - List your business for free to appear on over 50 destination websites
Visual Library, state - Broad collection of images for use by tourism operators, subject to a simple approvals process
Newsletter, Tourism Talk - Subscribe here to stay up to date with Tourism Tasmania industry news
Stats + Data - Browse the latest visitor data, using various reports and the TVS Analyser
Tourism Industry Council Tasmania
Tourism Accreditation - Explore the benefits of becoming an accredited tourism operator
Grants and Funding Assistance​
Cradle Coast Authority's Funding Finder - Comprehensive database of grant and funding opportunities available to you.
Accessible Tourism Resources - A list of simple and easy to implement tips for a business to become more accessible.
29a Wilson Street
Burnie, TAS 7320